![]() What's New![]() These are the discussion and mailing lists that have been recently added to listTool.com. There are links to the pages with the list.
List Name: UD PBL UNDERGRAD Description: Problem Based Learning Category: Culture and Society Date Added: March 29, 2002 List Name: Homelessworld Description: Learn about homelessness and closely related issues around the world. Category: Culture and Society Date Added: March 10, 2002 List Name: FOW-Bible@onelist.com Description: Bible Study Discussion list created to encourage Bible study and discussion of all Bible topics sponsored by FOCUS ON THE WORD. Category: Culture and Society Date Added: August 15, 1999 List Name: FrontPage tips, tutorials and mail list Description: Discussion of all versions of Microsoft® FrontPage® web authoring package. Tips, Tutorials, Themes and more. all levels of experience discussions. Category: Computers and Internet Date Added: August 15, 1999 List Name: Bruno the Bandit Description: daily email delivery of "Bruno the Bandit", the popular daily web comic about a thief and his pet dragon Category: Culture and Society Date Added: August 15, 1999 List Name: Internet Marketing Forum Description: How to sell your services and/or products on the Internet. Problems and solutions using the Internet and e-mail to market services and/or products. Category: Computers and Internet Date Added: August 15, 1999 List Name: Meanderkrant op Zondag Description: Weekly e-zine about and with Dutch poetry. Wekelijks e-zine met en over Nederlandstalige gedichten. Category: Art and Literature Date Added: August 15, 1999 List Name: Involuntary Celibacy Description: Support for people who are shy about relationships, or never had a date Category: Culture and Society Date Added: August 15, 1999 List Name: The Modernism List Description: Discussion related to literature, art, and culture of the modernist era Category: Art and Literature Date Added: August 13, 1999 List Name: Our-Kids - Raising Kids with Special Needs Description: Our-Kids is a "Family" of parents, caregivers and others who are working with children with physical and/or mental disabilities and delays. We call the list "Our-Kids". While it isn't exactingly descriptive, it avoids the pitfalls of labeling our kids anything but what they most certainly are: Category: Culture and Society Date Added: August 06, 1999 List Name: Bankruptcy Law - Kansas Description: Listserv for attorneys and other professionals practicing bankruptcy law in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Kansas. Category: Law Date Added: February 12, 1999 List Name: Solution Description: Support and self-help list for actively creating positive life changes. Category: Medicine and Health Date Added: February 11, 1999 List Name: honest.net news Description: Weekly free e-zine of honest.net (The Netpreneur's Guide to Internetwork Marketing), a site devoted to two-tiered and multi-layered affiliate programs. Category: Business Date Added: February 10, 1999 List Name: Insider Asia Description: A discussion about investment in Asian stocks, funds, and other instruments and general market analysis. Category: Business Date Added: February 10, 1999 List Name: PenPal Description: The friendliest group of people, online. Like a big party, discussions, support, friendships, discuss the weather or your family.....or more serious matters..... Category: Culture and Society Date Added: February 10, 1999 List Name: DLD-Maillinglist Description: Deutsche Linux Distribution user discussions Category: Computers and Internet Date Added: February 10, 1999 List Name: Chaos Description: A list for fans of the British techno-pop band Sunscreem, known from Love You More and other songs. Topics include limited edition CDs, gigs, chats with the band and more. Category: Music Date Added: February 10, 1999 List Name: Mastermind Description: Mastermind is a list for fans of the German techno/rave DJ Paul van Dyk. Topics include new CDs, vinyl, related music, gigs and more. Category: Music Date Added: February 10, 1999 List Name: Description: News about river rafting. Private boaters, guides, outfitters and vendors are welcome. Low volume Category: Art and Literature Date Added: February 10, 1999 List Name: Ask The Computer Lady Description: Ask The Computer Lady, is a weekly newsletter that answers your questions about computing. You will receive this newsletter every week on Monday or Tuesday. This is a distribution only mailing list, which means messages will come only from The Computer Lady, Elizabeth Boston. While you cannot p Category: Computers and Internet Date Added: February 10, 1999 List Name: Cyber Oasis Description: A monthly newsletter that goes out to writers and literate readers. It provides generous links to the best of the web, publishes original material, and is linked to a jobs for writers board. It is free. Category: Art and Literature Date Added: February 10, 1999 List Name: ascent Description: Ascent discusses the political, ethical, economic, and international problems besetting humanity on the verge of 21st Century. Anomie is haunting human societies. Ascent discusses its roots and suggests solutions. Category: Art and Literature Date Added: February 10, 1999 List Name: Mastermind Description: Mastermind is for fans of German rave DJ Paul van Dyk and named after his own label 'Masterminded for Success'. Topics include new material, playlists, residencies et cetera. Category: Music Date Added: February 10, 1999 List Name: Chaos Description: For fans of the British pop-techno band Sunscreem. Topics include new albums, merchandise, performances, limited edition CDs and the occasional survey. All posts are archived at http://explizit.org/sunscreem/archive/ Category: Music Date Added: February 10, 1999 List Name: Faithless Description: For fans of the British techno/rave band Faithless, known from hits 'Insomnia' and 'God is a DJ'. Topics include festivals attended, new cds, bootlegs and much more. Archived at http://explizit.org/faithless/archive/ Category: Music Date Added: February 10, 1999 List Name: SurvPC Discussion List Description: A mailing list for discussions of old or low resource PC and DOS internet. This should be most of all a fun list for die hard DOS fans, old PC users, and hobbyists. Also serve as a junction forum for DOS and DOS internet developers. For more info, visit our homepage at http://come.to/survpc/ Category: Computers and Internet Date Added: February 10, 1999 List Name: Teaching English as a Foreign Language in China Description: public un-moderated list discussing living and teaching English in China Category: Culture and Society Date Added: February 10, 1999 List Name: Bibelforum Description: A GERMAN LANGUAGE list for exchange about any topics relating to the Bible, on a non-denominational basis, open to anyone interested in Biblical matters. --------- Ein Forum zum Austausch von Informationen rund um die Bibel für Christen auf überkonfessioneller Basis. Category: Culture and Society Date Added: February 10, 1999 List Name: BibleStudy Description: A list for exchange about any topics relating to the Bible, on a non-denominational basis, open to anyone interested in Biblical matters. Category: Culture and Society Date Added: February 10, 1999 List Name: Neil Young #1 List: The Rust List Description: The Rust List is the oldest, largest and friendliest gathering of Neil fans on the net. More details at http://HyperRust.org/Rust Category: Music Date Added: February 10, 1999 List Name: Naijanews Description: Nigeria news-only ditribution list. Category: News Date Added: February 10, 1999 List Name: C beginner mailing list Description: Moderated discussion for people starting the learning process of C language, no dumb questions. Category: Computers and Internet Date Added: February 10, 1999 List Name: The Companion Bird Forum Description: For anyone interested in keeping and/or breeding parrots (companion birds). Category: Culture and Society Date Added: February 10, 1999 List Name: DELUG Linux Talk Description: Delaware Linux User's Group general dicussion list. Category: Computers and Internet Date Added: February 10, 1999 List Name: ComputerWatch.net Newsletter Description: Each week you'll get the ComputerWatch.net member newsletter that features the personal computing column by Richard Morochove along with other interesting news tidbits. Occasionally you'll receive an extra bulletin with the scoop on fast breaking news. http://www.morochove.com/watch/list.htm Category: Computers and Internet Date Added: February 10, 1999 List Name: Capitol Reports Description: Always the actual reports of our favourite Discotheke called Capitol in Oyten / Bremen / Germany. Sorry, all texts are in close German, but if any English speaking people want to join, we gonna think in English! Category: Music Date Added: February 10, 1999 List Name: ArchAngels Description: If you like learning about the Angels and Archangels, this is the list for you! Category: Culture and Society Date Added: February 10, 1999 List Name: Workfare-Fight Description: Workfare-Fight is a mailing list for organizing welfare recipients and fighting workfare internationally Category: Culture and Society Date Added: February 10, 1999 List Name: Beauty Is... Description: A support forum for women with disfigurements, no matter what that disfigurement may be. We discuss everything from coping in social situations to make-up advice. You are not alone. Hosted by Http://www.beautyis.com. Category: Medicine and Health Date Added: February 10, 1999 List Name: Post-Polio-Med Q&A about PostPolio Syndrome Description: PPMed is a forum for questions and answers to and from PPS researchers, physicians, PPS medical professionals, survivors, family, friends and others.http://angus.interspeed.net/ppmed/ Category: Medicine and Health Date Added: February 10, 1999 List Name: Monkey (Magic) mailing list Description: A discussion list for fans of the cult Japanese TV series "Monkey" (sometimes known as "Monkey Magic"). Category: Art and Literature Date Added: February 10, 1999 List Name: Monkey (Magic) mailing list (digest version) Description: A discussion list (digest version) for fans of the cult Japanese TV series "Monkey" (sometimes known as "Monkey Magic"). Category: Art and Literature Date Added: February 10, 1999 List Name: ButlletIRC Description: Llista del Butlleti dels canal d'IRC en catala Category: Culture and Society Date Added: February 09, 1999 List Name: The elephant mail discussion list Description: Discussions about captive and wild elephants. Category: Culture and Society Date Added: February 09, 1999 List Name: ff8world.com newsletter Description: Join our newsletter, because it is dedicated to the #1 RPG sensation, Final Fantasy 8! Category: Computers and Internet Date Added: February 09, 1999 List Name: 911 Dispatchers' Mailing List Description: A mailing list for 911 dispatchers, operators and telecommunicators. Category: Medicine and Health Date Added: February 09, 1999 List Name: Kitty's Daily Mews Description: Genuine proof cats have a sense of humor! Clean humor geared toward a family-friendly atmosphere! You will find jokes here that you can repeat to your mother or pastor without embarrassment! Category: Humor Date Added: February 09, 1999 List Name: Educational Technology & Society Description: A platform for exchange of ideas between educators and developers of educational systems. Category: Computers and Internet Date Added: February 09, 1999 List Name: Chemical-Illnet Description: An online resource for people with chemical related illnesses, their friends, families and loved ones. Learn how to reduce exposures and cope with illness on a day-to-day basis. Also learn what you can do to gain recognition and acceptance of chemical/health related issues. Category: Medicine and Health Date Added: February 09, 1999 List Name: She Said He Said Description: She_Said_He_Said is a lively, spirited, intelligent discussion group interested in a broad range of subjects. Subject's ranging from social issues.....to current events......to sex......to movies.....to politics......to international affairs.........to personal issues involving spouses, significa Category: Culture and Society Date Added: February 09, 1999 List Name: spinoff list Description: Discussion of all aspects of the Macintosh platform, especially Mac gaming. Category: Computers and Internet Date Added: February 09, 1999 List Name: Liste francophone sur l'adoption Description: This french list deals with all subjects related to adoption. It is intended for french reading adoptive or biological parents as well as adopted persons. Category: Culture and Society Date Added: February 09, 1999 List Name: Canada-Accounting Technology Description: Discussion list for Canadian accountants and others interested in discussing accounting technology including accounting, tax and finance software. Averages 6 messages/day. Over 400 subscribers. Category: Computers and Internet Date Added: February 09, 1999 List Name: Cisco Certification Mailing List - CCIE Description: This list is for Cisco Certification canidates such as those studying for the CCIE. Category: Computers and Internet Date Added: February 09, 1999 List Name: OzIrish Description: An Australian Irish e-mail discussion forum. Category: Culture and Society Date Added: February 09, 1999 List Name: Tennessee Adoption List Description: A notification list for those interested in the adoption law changes in Tennessee. Category: Culture and Society Date Added: February 09, 1999 List Name: bighorse Description: global discussion thoroughbred pedigree and care. Category: Sports Date Added: February 09, 1999 List Name: Student Artists Mailing List Description: Mailing list for student artists or anyone in an art-learning environment (teachers, professors, part-time students, etc.) Category: Art and Literature Date Added: February 09, 1999 List Name: Nijs ut Fryslan Description: Monthly free newsletter with information and news of the beloved region 'Fryslan' in the Netherlands. Also for people from Fryslan living somewhere else nowadays. Category: News Date Added: February 09, 1999 List Name: The Garthbox Digest Description: Subscribers to the Garthbox receive a daily digest of e-mail from other Garth fans worldwide. The Garthbox, sponsored by Roughstock and Planet Garth, keeps members up to date on concert events, Garth happenings, and provides an on-line forum for Garth fans to interact. Garthbox subscribers also rece Category: Music Date Added: February 09, 1999 List Name: aps (Alternative Parenting Styles) Description: This is a mailing list for parents who are exploring or using different "non-mainstream" parenting styles. Examples of this would be attachment parenting, non-coercive parenting, raising vegetarian children, using the family bed, extended breastfeeding, unusal religions, etc. This is a place where t Category: Culture and Society Date Added: February 08, 1999 List Name: Recipe Mailing List Description: This is the mailing list to post or recieve recipes. Category: Food and Wine Date Added: February 08, 1999 List Name: Kung FU Mailing List Description: This is the mailing list to talk about kung fu. Category: Sports Date Added: February 08, 1999 List Name: HomeBrew Mailing List Description: This is the mailing list for Homebrew tips ... from expert to novice. Category: Food and Wine Date Added: February 08, 1999 List Name: Chess Mailing List Description: This is the mailing list for chess. Category: Sports Date Added: February 08, 1999 List Name: Atkins Diet Mailing List Description: This is a Mailing List discussing the Atkins Diet. Digest is also avalible. Category: Medicine and Health Date Added: February 08, 1999 List Name: Atkins Diet Mailing List Description: This is a Mailing List discussing the Atkins Diet. A non-digest is also avalible. Category: Art and Literature Date Added: February 08, 1999 List Name: United States Physical Education Discussion List Description: USPE-L is an unmoderated list that focus on quality teaching practices in K-12 physical education in the public schoools today. Category: Art and Literature Date Added: February 08, 1999 List Name: Naijanet Description: All Purpose Network for Nigerians and Friends of Nigeria Category: Art and Literature Date Added: February 08, 1999 List Name: Bigdogg's Lair Humor Mailing List Description: Humor mailings sent out semi-weekly. Category: Humor Date Added: February 08, 1999 List Name: SLFIC - Sliders Fan Fiction Description: List for the posting and discussion of fan fiction involving the Sci-Fi Channel series, Sliders. Category: Art and Literature Date Added: February 08, 1999 List Name: Club 3163 Description: A mailing list for gay men and lesbians who live in the postcode district of 3163 in Victoria, Australia. (Verification of subscription is required.) Category: Culture and Society Date Added: February 08, 1999 List Name: Retailer News Digest Description: A discussion list for "real-world" (non-internet) retail business owners, managers, and salespeople. Category: Business Date Added: February 08, 1999 List Name: Brazilian group of interest in VRML Description: Category: Computers and Internet Date Added: February 08, 1999 List Name: Sex Wizards Description: Sex Wizards is a discussion group for those who are interested in sexual matters and wish to discuss them among similarly interested people. A "wizard" isn't an "expert", but instead someone who practices a skill for the joy and challenge of improving their mastery, as "an end in itself". Category: Culture and Society Date Added: February 08, 1999 List Name: The Funniest Humorous Jokes eMailing List Description: The Funniest Humorous Jokes eMailing List Category: Humor Date Added: February 08, 1999 List Name: NetResources - Internet Marketing at its Best Description: NetResources is brought to you by DataBack Systems (http://www.databack.com) and is a complimentary resource to the free marketing and online promotions directory offered at http://www.databack.com/resources.htm Category: Computers and Internet Date Added: February 08, 1999 List Name: Wildgarden Description: Making your yard and property wildlife-friendly. Attracting wildlife through the use of trees, shrubs, plants, ponds, feeders, etc. For all who enjoy wildlife. Category: Culture and Society Date Added: February 08, 1999 List Name: The Weekly Bookmark - What's New/Cool Sites Description: The Weekly Bookmark, since 1995, is a popular, general interest "What's New & Newsworthy" newsletter designed to inform and entertain the Internet community. The newsletter offers reviews of new and informative web sites in over 15 categories such as arts & humanities, books & music, education, a Category: Art and Literature Date Added: December 03, 1998 List Name: Sturge-Weber Support Group Description: A support group for individuals, parents and professionals dealing with Sturge-Weber Syndrome, PWS and KT. Category: Medicine and Health Date Added: October 09, 1998 List Name: Relationships List Description: This is a weekly column for people who want to create extraordinary relationships. The column will inspire you to create a fulfilling relationship in your life. It contains techniques and distinctions to help you understand and transform yourself and your choices. Category: Culture and Society Date Added: September 02, 1998 List Name: Activist Outreach Montreal Description: Activist Outreach's mailing lists goals are to help community activists spread news and information relevant to Montréalers striving for creative social and environmental change. Category: News Date Added: September 02, 1998 List Name: Institute for Social Ecology discussion list Description: This list is devoted to the discussion of issues and sharing of information relevant to Social Ecology. Category: Culture and Society Date Added: September 02, 1998 List Name: Chit chat - general social relaxation Description: Chitchat is a list of friendly people, with friendly topics. Our idea is to produce a place of relaxation and banter between subscribers. Try subscribing, we're SURE you'll stay subscribed!! Category: Culture and Society Date Added: June 03, 1998 List Name: Fat Cat Cafe's FREEBIE Gazette Description: Fat Cat Cafe's FREEBIE Gazette brings the best FREE stuff, contests, and just plain fun stuff we can find directly to you. Tons of FREEBIES, contests, sweepstakes, and entertainment sites will be emailed to you weekly, along with cool, and fun places to visit & check out. Category: Humor Date Added: June 03, 1998 List Name: THEBIG3 - The 60ft Dolls Fan List Description: THEBIG3 - for fans of the 60ft Dolls Category: Music Date Added: June 01, 1998 List Name: REES-L - Genealogy Research on REES Description: REES-L - For people interested in researching the family name REES Category: Culture and Society Date Added: June 01, 1998 List Name: ShowRotts-L Description: Don't let the name fool you since this list is for more than just people that want to show their Rottweilers. The list is for people who have Rottweilers or people that want to learn more about the breed. Things that are discussed are the care, training and showing of Rottweilers Category: Culture and Society Date Added: May 29, 1998 List Name: Emerge PDFzone EXTRA Description: EXTRA is a free, broadcast-only newsletter. From the Emerge PDFzone, it delivers current news/info about uses & users of Adobe Acrobat software and its portable document format (pdf). Category: Computers and Internet Date Added: May 21, 1998 List Name: Medical Transcription Mailing List Description: List for the profession of Medical Transcription Category: Medicine and Health Date Added: May 21, 1998 List Name: PAMLIST-Patient Accounts Management List Description: The "PAMLIST" (a moderated mail list) has been created to provide a forum for healthcare professionals who are involved with, or interested in the issues surrounding the cash flow cycle. We expect that hospital Admitting and Patient Accounts Directors, Chief Financial Officers, and physician practi Category: Medicine and Health Date Added: May 21, 1998 List Name: Vulvar Pain Forum Description: The vulvarpainforum was established to host discussion by women who suffer from any of a number of manifestations of chronic vulvar pain, known collectively as vulvodynia. The list, created and maintained by a vulvodynia patient, is intended as a space for open and candid discussion of the subject Category: Medicine and Health Date Added: May 21, 1998 List Name: HOTNews Asian News Description: News and current affairs of Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, China, Taiwan, plus sports, weather, currency and stock reports, and humorous features. Distributed mainly to university students. Category: News Date Added: May 21, 1998 List Name: historical motivation utilizing psychoanalytic principles forum Description: A resource for individuals studying or doing research in the field of psychohistory, defined as the study of historical motivation utilizing psychoanalytic principles. It serves as a forum for scholarly discussions and as a clearinghouse for the distribution of information. Category: Culture and Society Date Added: May 21, 1998 List Name: PDFdev Description: PDFdev is primarily intended for -- but *not* exclusively limited to -- Adobe Acrobat developers. The discussions are of a more technical nature than other Emerge-sponsored lists about Acrobat and pdf. There is also a digest version for this list. Category: Computers and Internet Date Added: May 21, 1998 List Name: K12 NewLetters Description: Postings of 6 different education specific newsletters Category: Computers and Internet Date Added: May 21, 1998 List Name: Net-happenings Description: This list is dedicated to announcing new sites, events, publications, training, and miscelleaneous information happening on the Internet. Category: Computers and Internet Date Added: May 21, 1998 List Name: Reloading Mailing List Description: A list dedicated to reloading. Category: Sports Date Added: May 21, 1998 List Name: Women In Ministry Description: A closed list for women active in or called to Christian ministry. Category: Culture and Society Date Added: May 15, 1998 List Name: Ten Forward Bar & Grille Description: The longest bar in the world. Category: Humor Date Added: May 15, 1998 List Name: AR-15 Mailing List Description: A list dedicated to the AR-15 rifle. Category: Sports Date Added: May 15, 1998 List Name: DOVIAKC Description: Announcement and discussion list for Greater Seattle area volunteer program managers. Category: Culture and Society Date Added: May 12, 1998 List Name: The Prophets Update Description: This is an announcement only lists of updates at A Gathering of the Prophets http://www.theprophets.org Category: Culture and Society Date Added: May 12, 1998 List Name: Ducks-n-Pucks Description: Ducks-n-Pucks is an open, unmoderated discussion list. The topic is hockey, with an emphasis on the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim. Anything hockey related is appropriate. There is a regular and digest version of this list available. Category: Sports Date Added: May 12, 1998 List Name: Ed's Daily Free Joke Mailing Description: A free digest mailing of G thru R rated humor mailed daily. If you like jokes and funny bits, you'll love Ed's Joke List! Category: Humor Date Added: May 12, 1998 List Name: Stay At Home Mom (sahm) Description: A mailing list for sahms to meet and talk. This list is for discussion and support for sahms & sahms-to-be. It is not for bashing wohms or anyone else. Women only please! Category: Culture and Society Date Added: May 12, 1998 List Name: RoleMaster Description: Discussion of RoleMaster, Iron Crown Enterprises' premier role playing game. Category: Culture and Society Date Added: May 12, 1998 List Name: CyberVPM Description: Online networking for volunteer program managers. Category: Culture and Society Date Added: May 12, 1998 List Name: Involuntary Celibacy Description: Support for people who are shy about relationships Category: Culture and Society Date Added: May 11, 1998 List Name: CHARMLESS - The BLUR Mailing List Description: Welcome to CHARMLESS - the BLUR Mailing List for fans of the great British band BLUR. Category: Music Date Added: April 29, 1998 List Name: Network Newsletters Description: Contains the postings of 23 different internet newsletters Category: Computers and Internet Date Added: April 29, 1998 List Name: ecnaging Description: Economics and demography of aging, social policy and aging. Category: Culture and Society Date Added: April 29, 1998 List Name: Birdfeeder Description: For all backyard birdwatchers and those who enjoy the wild birds outside. Category: Sports Date Added: April 20, 1998 List Name: Inspire Description: Inspire sends a crisp, thought-provoking, generally positive message once each day. Category: Medicine and Health Date Added: April 19, 1998 List Name: Childfun Description: Daycare/Childcare Providers and Parents. Exchange ideas, advice, tips and humor on parenting. Category: Culture and Society Date Added: April 19, 1998 List Name: SmileADay Humor List Description: Dedicated to bringing a smile to your face at least once a day, 365 days a year. Minimum of 2 humor pieces per day. List in not for profit, by request only. Category: Humor Date Added: April 16, 1998 List Name: VALLEYS-L : Mailing List for South Wales & the Valleys Description: VALLEYS-L is for all types of discussion on South Wales and the South Wales Valleys (Great Britain). Category: Culture and Society Date Added: April 16, 1998 List Name: Teens4Jesus Discussion List Description: Teens4Jesus is a discussion list for Christian Teens. We welcome Youth pastors as well as teens on the list. Check out our page at http://www.angelfire.com/pa/T4J Category: Culture and Society Date Added: April 16, 1998 List Name: Roses-and-Thorns Description: Support group for mood disorders: bipolar, depression, dissociation, seasonal affective disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder. Generates a LOT of e-mail, digest version available. Only subscribers can post. http://www.5-ht.com/roses/ Category: Medicine and Health Date Added: April 16, 1998 ![]()