![]() ListTool.com is a free tool that makes the process of subscribing, unsubscribing and sending commands to 878 mailing and discussion lists (in categories such as law, art, music, computers, news, business, humor and more) easy. You don't have to remember which commands to send to some obscure e-mail address to subscribe or unsubscribe. If you have been here before, check out what new lists have been added on our What's New Page. NEW: You can now install a free custom version of listTool on your own web site in our version of an affiliate program.
Just select the Category Page you want to be taken to from the drop down menu above and select "Press Here".
Once you get to the individual category page, pick the discussion list and the command (subscribe, unsubscribe, info etc.) and our software will do the rest. We keep all the information you submit confidential. You can look through a listing of all categories, including how many lists each category has. You can also search for mailing lists by key words: Mailing lists owners can also add new mailing lists to our database and they will be added to the system after review. We also offer many resources such as links to mailing lists resources, and explanation of what a mailing / discussion list is.