
This is a collection of mailing and discussion list resources and links.
- Virtual Listservs Search Engines
This site has several links to mailing and discussion resources (as well as many other resources too).
- Liszt, the Mailing List Directory
The Listz directory has information about 85,000+ mailing lists. It also has a "Liszt Select" with a hand-picked directory of public lists, organized in a "Yahoo-like" fashion.
- Catalists, the Official Catalog of Listserv lists
Catalist has a database of over 16,000 public LISTSERV lists on the Internet. You can search for mailing lists of interest, and get information about LISTSERV host sites. This information is
generated automatically from LISTSERV's LISTS database and is always up to date. The site is run by L-soft, the makers of the listserv software.
- Search the Lists of Lists
This site allows you to search one of the largest directories of special interest group e-mail lists available on the Internet. You can also add your own list and find other amiling list related resources.
- E-Mail Discussion Groups/Lists - Resources
This page is intended as a one-stop information resource about e-mail discussion groups or "lists," as they are sometimes called. There are four sections: background information about the software that supports the discussion groups; an introduction to listserver commands where you will learn how to subscribe and unsubscribe to discussion groups; links to other websites where you can search for discussion groups on any subject; and a selected list of advertising, public relations and marketing.
- Majordomo Frequently Asked Questions
An extensive FAQ about the Majordomo mailing list software, it's functions and capabilities.
- Life on the Internet
A page with Discussion Groups and Mailing Lists resources, as well as links to e-mail software and e-mail resources.
- Everything E-Mail (TM) - Mailing List Discussion Groups
Places to look for Mailing List Discussion Groups and for publicizing your own Mailing List. This is a very extensive collection of links with good descriptions. It also has other pages with many e-mail related resources, such as staring your own list, autoresponders and more.
- CyberTeddy OnLine Guide
Several mailing list resources and Usenet information.
- Internet Mailing List Providers
Although this is a text file, it is a very extensive list of individuals, organizations and companies on the net who offer mailing list services, either for a fee, or as a service to the net community.
- CCS Mailing list archives
A site that is an archive for a few mailing lists.
- Publicly Accessible Mailing List
This is a list of mailing lists that is posted once each month to the Usenet newsgroups news.lists.misc and news.answers. This web site maintains an archive of the list that is also searchable.
- Internet Resources Database
The IRD - Reader & Notebook program allows you to build your personal Internet Resources Database on your PC. This database can contain information about all Internet resources of interest to you. New information is downloaded via the web to your computer.
- Kim Bayne's Marketing Lists on the Internet
This is a very nice compilation of selected Marketing Topic Discussion and Announcement Lists, Newsgroups and Forums on the Internet and Commercial Online Services.
- The List of Marketing Lists
This list is a nice collection of mailing and discussion lists related to marketing. Each list has a good description.
- T I L E . N E T / L I S T S
This is a very nice resource that allows you to search a number of different mailing list and obtain information about them. You can also look up lists by name, subject, description and more.
- Ifla Mailing Lists
A collection of various mailing lists from the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions.
- E-Mail Discussion Lists and Electronic Journals
The EdWeb: Exploring Technology and School Reform site by Andy Carvin has a collection of education-focused discussion groups. The focus of this list is general education, K-12 education, education technology and education reform.
- America Online Mailing List Directory
AOL's section devoted to mailing and discussion lists. It has a collection of resources which include directoriies as well as list software companies.
- Mailing List Central
You can search for various mailing and discussion lists by keyword and obtain more detailed information about each list.
- Discussion Lists: Mailing List Manager Commands
This is a page with good information about mailing list commands for a a variety of software including, listserv, listproc, majordomo and more. The information is laid out in a table format.
- International Business Resources on the WWW: Mailing Lists
An extensive collection of business related mailing and discussion lists, through Michigan State University.
- 266 Humor Mailing Lists
A very good collection of humor related mailing lists found around the Net. If you like humor this is the place to look. The site also contains a good description for each list.
- AudetteMedia:
You can find the collection of lists that AudetteMedia runs. You will find many excellent marketing and internet related discussion lists here. The lists are moderated and keep the "noise" out.
Mailing Lists on the Internet
This is a generic PowerPoint presentation for a seminar on Mailing Lists which can be downloaded in an abridged or extended version to use in your own seminars.
- Finding information through Newsgroups and Email discussion lists
A good explanation of what mailing lists and newsgroups are. It tells your how and where to find information about both newsgroups and discussion lists and also about software.
- Listservs
A list of education related mailing lists found at the Murry Bergtraum High School for Business Careers. There are also mailing list resources.
Regent University's topical list of law related listservs. The lists are organized by subject area and you can get more information about the various lists in each category.
- Listserv Help For Attorneys: Legal-themed Mailing Lists
From Internet Tools for attorneys, you can find a collection of lists and mailing list resources useful to attorneys and legal professionals.
- "Law Lists" guide
Lyonette Louis-Jacques' "Law Lists" guide, is the "mother of all legal mailing list collections". There are also different versions available in Spanish and French. It includes descriptions and information about several hundred legal mailing and discussion lists.
These are the archives of the NEW-LIST mailing list where many of the new mailing lists and changes to exsiting mailing lists are announced. The archives go back to January 1989! There is also information on how to make announcements on this list.
- Veterinary & Animal Mailing Lists
A large collection of lists devoted to veterinary and animal related discussion lists. There are also some general list resources available.
- Listes de discussion
A french site that is in english (try to figure that one out). It has a good collection of medical and health related lists, with a description for each list in English.
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